Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Plum Blossoms

I have heard that plum blossoms herald the coming of Spring in Japan! Today, my friend who lives in Japan sent me this picture. She said that she enjoys the sweet scent of plum blossoms. I can almost smell it from here…


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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Naoki-kun’s Picnic  

Last Monday, 4-year-old Naoki-kun and his mom played with miniature picnic sets.
He is gathering sweets and tea while his mom is making o-bentō ready.


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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Intro to Travel to Japan

I am holding the class of Intro to Travel to Japan this month. I explain about useful tips when you make your plan to travel to Japan, etiquette, dining manners, as well as some greeting words. I demonstrate how to wear Yukata and you will learn the differences between Kimono and Yukata as well. I also prepare a simple Japanese meal for you to experience dining manners.

The class is 6 participants maximum and a minimum number of 3 participants to hold a class. Please book your space from my Booking Appointment page, and click on Intro to Travel to Japan and select a day (Saturday and Sunday only this month) :https://www.yokosojapanese.com/timetable

I look forward to meeting you!

今月、Intro to Travel to Japan と言(い)うクラスを開催(かいさい)しています。このクラスでは、日本(にほん)へご旅行(りょこう)を計画(けいかく)されている皆様(みなさま)に役立(やくだ)つ情報(じょうほう)、エチケット、食事(しょくじ)のマナー、そして挨拶(あいさつ)の言葉(ことば)などをご提供(ていきょう)いたします。



最小催行人数(さいしょうさいこうにんずう)は3名です。参加(さんか)ご希望(きぼう)の方(かた)は、こちらのリンクをクリックしていただき、Intro to Travel to Japan のコースのカレンダーからご希望の日(ひ)をお選(えら)びください。今月(こんげつ)は土曜日(どようび)と日曜日(にちようび)のみです。皆様(みなさま)にお会(あ)いできることをお待(ま)ちいたしております。

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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Coming-of-Age Day 成人の日

Coming-of Age Day in Japan is the second Monday in January.

The age of adulthood in Japan has changed from 20 years to 18 years of age since April of last year. Yet, the celebrations for Coming-of Age Day were held for the people who are becoming 20 years old in various regions.

In my hometown, I could see many women who celebrate their Coming-of Age Day in very colourful glamorous Furisode (long-sleeved Kimono, which are normally worn by young unmarried women). Among them, I requested one of the charming ladies wearing a strikingly beautiful Furisode, to let me take a photo of her. This young lady was not only beautiful, but also treated a stranger like me very politely and nicely with a friendly smile. I would like to wish her all the best in her future.


2022年4月1日(にせんにじゅうねん しがつ ついたち)から成年年齢(せいねんねんれい)が20歳(はたち)から18歳(じゅうはっさい)に変(か)わりました。




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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

おみくじ Omikuji

I wish you a peaceful year this year…

Omikuji (sacred lots), personal fortunes, are available at shrines and temples in Japan. My friends and I went to a temple. We went to the temple because one of my friends is in a period of mourning, and we don’t go to shrines for a year when we are in mourning for family members.

Omikuji contains one or two Chinese characters, which represents the person’s fortune for the year ahead. The common Chinese character would be like, 大吉(dai-kichi=excellent luck), 吉(kichi=luck), 中吉(chuu-kichi=some luck), 小吉(shoo-kichi =a little luck), 末吉(sue-kichi=uncertain luck), 凶(Kyoo = bad luck), and 大凶(dai-kyoo=terrible luck). If we didn’t get a good message, we can tie the omikuji to a tree branch or designated place so that Shinto and Buddhist deities would help lead to us better luck.








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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Welcome home, Samantha!

Samantha left Halifax over 3 years ago to teach English in Japan, but recently, we could finally see each other in-person. She kindly brought me a very nostalgic Japanese snack assortment in a cute bag, and I realized that she really had learned what Japanese people do.

While we were talking, she told me how much enjoyed her life in Japan with her close Japanese friends. I also asked her what she missed from Halifax and what she misses from Japan now. She said that she missed her mother’s cooking, western-style sushi, and driving a car while she was in Japan.

What she misses from Japan after returning to Halifax are Japanese bento, bidets (which most households have), and Japanese convenience stores. 

 I look forward very much to our next meeting to ask more of her interesting stories.







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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Naoki-kun made sushi

My youngest student, Naoki-kun, is 4 years old.
He comes to have our lesson every week with his mother, and he brings happiness and smile to my classroom.

He always sits down on the small chair and takes his shoes off first by himself, then asks me to hang his hat and jacket.

This day, he made some wooden sushi for his mother and myself. Thank you very much, Naoki-kun!




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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

The Summer High School Baseball Tournaments

Today is the last game of the Summer High School Baseball Tournaments in 2022. My family has been watching the game with me.


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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Fresh eggs

Lily-san gave me some precious fresh eggs. Her parents’ chickens lay eggs daily, so she brought some for me. They are all beautiful and the shells are very strong.

I made some Chirashizushi bentoo using the eggs and other colourful ingredients. The colour of the egg yolks is so vivid, and it was very tasty, too. Thank you very much, Lily-san!

リリーさんから 貴重(きちょう)な産(う)みたての卵(たまご)をいただきました。リリーさんのご両親(りょうしん)の鶏(にわとり)は毎日(まいにち)卵(たまご)を産(う)むので、私(わたし)に持(も)って来(き)てくれました。卵(たまご)はみんなとてもきれいで、卵(たまご)の殻(から)はとても固(かた)かったです。



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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Event Report: Pop-up o-hanami

Thanks to the many people who prayed for nice whether for our Cherry Blossom Viewing on Saturday, May 21. One of my students who lives close by the Dartmouth Commons helped me to determine how soon the trees would be blooming. Without her help, this event could never happen.

Five students and their families came to gather with us despite the short notice to admire the beautiful cherry blossoms. We had a great time together admiring the bright pink cherry blossoms and eating Taiyaki that one of my students kindly brought for us and o-nigiri that I made for us.

 More than 85% of my students are having virtual lessons, so it was very nice to meet them in-person. For a couple of them, it was the first we met in-person.

The beautiful deep pink cherry blossoms were 90% in bloom. I believe that they are called “Kanzan”, which is double-flowered cherry blossoms, and the flowers may look like roses.

I look forward to having other opportunities for gathering with my students and people who love the Japanese language and its culture.

たくさんの人(ひと)がいいお天気(てんき)になるように祈(いの)ってくださったお陰(かげ)で、5月21日(ごがつ にじゅういちにち)の土曜日(どようび)はいいお天気(てんき)になりました。ダートマス・コモンズの近(ちか)くに住(す)む私(わたし)の生徒(せいと)の一人(ひとり)が桜(さくら)の開花状況(かいかじょうきょう)を知(し)らせてくださいました。この方(かた)のご協力(きょうりょく)なしではこのお花見(はなみ)はできなかったと思(おも)います。






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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Pop-up o-hanami 🌸

Hello everyone!
I am going to hold a pop-up o-hanami event tomorrow.
If you haven’t told me yet, please let me know that you are joining us by emailing me. I will prepare o-nigiri and some snacks, so please let me know how many people are in your group.

Pop-up o-hanami🌸!
This is a cherry blossom lovers’ gathering!
Let’s gather and view beautiful Cherry Blossoms and meet people who love Japanese culture! I am going to introduce some Japanese business in Dartmouth for people who are new to Dartmouth.

The date and time: Saturday, May 21 at 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
The location: The parking lot of the Dartmouth Commons
Fee: No fee!
Note: I will be holding an imitation Cherry Blossom branch, so you can find me. Please wear a long sleeve-shirt or jacket to protect yourself from ticks.





ごがつ にじゅういちにち どようび ごぜん11じ から ごご1じ まで
費用(ひよう): 無料(むりょう)です。
追記(ついき): 私(わたし)はイミテーションの桜(さくら)の花(はな)の枝(えだ)を持(も)っていますから、私(わたし)を見(み)つけてくださいね。ダニ予防(よぼう)のため、長袖(ながそで)のシャツやジャケットを着(き)て来(き)てください。

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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Spam Musubi

I love receiving fun text messages from my students. Especially, I enjoy messages written in Japanese. A high school student, Eddric, sent me this message with a beautiful picture of Spam Musubi he made. I didn’t know what Spam Musubi was, and he explained to me that it is a type of sushi originated in Hawaii. It is made with marinated cooked Spam, a brand of canned cooked pork.

I especially love how he started the message; みて、みて!! (Look, look!!). Isn’t he cute?! The picture he attached is so beautiful and it is so well made! He also made Temaki-zushi, Hand Roll. Doesn’t that look like a professional sushi chef made it?!





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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Children’s Day

May 5 is Kodomo no hi, Children’s day or Boys’ festival in Japan and it is a national holiday for people to pray for the healthy growth and happiness of boys in Japan. I wrote about Hinamatsuri in March; Girls Festival on March 3. Families with boys often display warrior dolls and miniature armour for Children’s day, and families with girls display hina-dolls for Hinamatsuri and wish girls’ well-being.

When May 5 approaches, families with boys hang up Koi-nobori, carp streamer (banner), hoping that their children will grow up healthy and strong as carp.

I case you wonder why it is carp, they said that the origin of koinobori is a historical event in ancient China. They said that a carp was the only one which won a race among other fishes swimming against the flow and became a dragon. Three carp that you can see in my picture describes that the biggest one is father, the middle one is mother, and the smallest one is a boy.

I made chirashizushi, mimicking the dishes that Japanese families make for kodomo no hi on the Internet, but it doesn’t look like carp, doesn’t it!?!

5月5日(ごがつ いつか)はこどもの日(ひ)で、男の子(おとこのこ)たちの健康(けんこう)と幸せ(しあわせ)を祈る(いのる)ための国民(こくみん)の祝日(しゅくじつ)です。3月(さんがつ)に、私は3月3日(さんがつ みっか)のひな祭り(まつり)について書(か)きました。男の子(おとこのこ)がいる家庭(かてい)では、武者人形(むしゃにんぎょう)やミニチュアの兜(かぶと)を飾(かざ)りますが、女の子(おんなのこ)がいる家庭(かてい)ではひな祭り(まつり)に女の子(おんなの子)の健康(けんこう)と幸せ(しあわせ)を祈って(いのって)雛人形(ひなにんぎょう)を飾(かざ)ります。

5月5日(ごがつ いつか)が近づく(ちかづく)と、男の子(おとこのこ)がいる家庭(かてい)では鯉(こい)のぼりを揚げ(あげ)、男の子(おとこのこ)たちの健やかな(すこやかな)成長(せいちょう)と鯉(こい)のように強く(つよく)なることを願(ねが)います。


どうして鯉(こい)なのかと言います(いいます)と、鯉のぼり(こいのぼり)の起源(きげん)は古代中国(こだいちゅうごく)の故事(ごじ)に由来する(ゆらいする)そうです。魚(さかな)たちが泳ぎ(およぎ)の競争(きょうそう)をした時(とき)、鯉(こい)だけが流れ(ながれ)に逆らって(さからって)泳ぎ(およぎ)、勝って(かって)、龍(りゅう/たつ)になったと言われて(いわれて)いるそうです。写真(しゃしん)の中(なか)の三匹(さんびき)の鯉(こい)は、一番大きい(いちばん おおきい)のがお父さん(おとうさん)、真ん中(まんなか)がお母さん(おかあさん)、そして一番小さい(いちばん ちいさい)のが男の子(おとこのこ)です。


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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Lessons using toys…

My youngest student is 4 years old and the next youngest is 10 years old.
Recently, I have started collecting many toys and use them to teach adults as well. Obviously, it’s good to teach any languages using textbooks, but using these props are more enjoyable.

I am very happy to find cute toys and I am so excited to teach lessons with those props.





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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

March break-March 18

Thursday, March 18 was the third of my March break events, Charlotte and her mother came out to my studio which has a new kitchen.

We made Makizushi and Mushipan to celebrate her 10th birthday. Charlotte started taking my lessons when she was 9 years old, but she had already known some Hiragana and Kanji by reading her favourite book from the Ikebana Shop on Quinpool Road, Halifax.

Charlotte told me that she always cooks with her mother at home, so she was very efficient to make Makizushi and Mushipan.

She reads many books and knows about many things and she teaches me things that I don’t know, and she does it in a very kind manner. After our cooking lesson, she gently suggested me to cook the bun 3 minutes longer next time and that made me laugh.

I really look forward to our in-person lesson.







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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

March break-March 17

Thursday, March 17 was the second of my March break events, and I had a culture Lesson with Tony-san. He takes my weekly virtual Japanese language/culture lessons, but he came out to attend an in-person lesson this time.

In our last class, I spoke about the cherry and plum trees that start blooming in Japan around mid-March. Although we can’t enjoy them here now, I wanted him to enjoy the mood of o-hanami, cherry-blossom viewing, in Halifax. I prepared Chirashizushi and Chawanmushi for his lunch because I wanted to prepare something very colourful just like spring wildflowers to celebrate spring.

As I would like to introduce different aspects of Japanese culture and life in Japan, I often show him Japanese documentary TV shows. This time, we watched a show about Japan’s largest platform, Makuake, to present and promote varieties of products, food, technologies, and services, etc. You may know this system as a crowdfunding platform, it was very interesting watching the manufacturers’ process in attracting potential clients for financial support to produce their unique and innovative products. This way, then they can create their products having the prepaid customers’ fund in place, and its test-marketing has already been done.

Our o-hanami, became rather like a business seminar, but I hope Tony-san had a good time.








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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

March break-March 14

It was March break last week, and I would like to report how it went.
On Monday, March 14, I had a cooking lesson with my 14-year old student.
We made Okonomiyaki (Japanese savory pancake)  and Mushi-pan (steamed bread) together.

The first Okonomiyaki we made was too big and it was hard to flip, so we made 4 small ones after that for her to take home. Then, we made 4 Mushi-pan with chocolate chips for her and her family.

It was so nice to spend time together in-person outside of our weekly regular virtual lessons. Her mother told me that she was so proud to share what we made with her family and that made me very happy!

I look forward to our next cooking lesson!



毎週(まいしゅう)のオンラインレッスン外(がい)で、直接(ちょくせつ)会(あ)って生徒(せいと)と一緒(いっしょ)に時間(じかん)を過(す)ごすのは、とても楽(たの)しかったです。生徒(せいと)のお母(かあ)さんは、子供(こども)さんがとても誇(ほこ)らしげに家族(かぞく)とお好(この)み焼(や)きと蒸(む)しパンを分(わ)けてくれて、みんなで一緒(いっしょ)に食(た)べましたと私(わたし)に教(おし)えてくれました。それを聞(き)いて、私(わたし)はとても うれしかったです。


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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

The season of Cherry Blossoms

The season of cherry blossoms has come!
Spring is the season I like best in Japan.

In japan, we have graduation ceremonies in March and the ceremony of entrance in April. Both Cherry and plum blossom in March, and both graduation and the ceremony of entrance are held when cherry and plum blossoms are beautiful.

That said, Japan is a country which stretches from north to south. According to the today’s prediction, the earliest prediction for the Someiyoshino Cherry Blossoms is on March 21 in Koochi Prefecture in Shikoku, with the latest being on May 8 in Kushiro in Hokkaidoo.

Japanese people all look forward to seeing Sakura (cherry blossoms), there is an interesting thing which is called Sakura-zensen (a cherry-blossom front). A cherry-blossom front is very similar to the weather forecast and it shows when Someiyoshino Cherry Blossoms can be expected in different parts of the country. It will be updated several times during the season, and these predictions for the cherry trees blossoming will aid the people in Japan to make plans to go out for “o-hanami (cherry-blossom viewing).

Sakura-cherry blossoms

Cherry and plum blossoms may look similar, but cherry’s petals have a tiny cut at its tip on each petal as you can see in the picture above. I don’t remember seeing plum blossoms myself, but they say that their petals are rounded and peaches’ petals are pointed. Cherries and plums bloom around the same time (between March and early May for Cherries and March and late April for plums).  In the olden days, people believed the peach blossoms had special powers in avoiding evil spirits. That is why the peach tree and its blossoms are included in in Hina-matsuri decoration to protect girls and wish girls’ happiness and well-being on March 3, Hina-maturi (Girls’ festival).

I really wish that I were in Japan to view some beautiful cherry and plum blossoms now.

Ume no hana (plum blossoms) , Kobe plum-glove Park





とは言(い)え、日本(にほん)は南北(なんぼく)に長(なが)い国(くに)ですから、今日(きょう)の桜(さくら)の開花予想(かいかよそう)は一番早(いちばんはや)くて四国(しこく)の高知県(こうちけん)で3月21日(さんがつ にじゅういちにち)に開花(かいか)が予想(よそう)されていますが、一番(いちばん)遅(おそ)いのは、北海道(ほっかいどう)の釧路(くしろ)で5月8日(ごがつ ようか)です。




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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa


People in Japan celebrate Hinamatsuri (Girls’ Festival or Doll’s Festival) on March 3. Many families with girls in Japan display dolls and pray for young girls’ growth and well-being. It is said that dolls depict the imperial court, and furniture imitate bride’s marriage furniture.

On the top step of the Hina decoration, you can see the Emperor, the Empress, three court ladies, five court musicians, the minister of the right, three servants, and the minister of the left.

Actually, my Hina dolls are made of paper and it is a greeting card, but real dolls are made as if they are wearing real kimono and they are individually produced by skilled craftsmen.

It looks like the size of Hina decorations is varied. If there is not much space in your house, you can choose to display only the Emperor and the Empress, and some families choose to display a seven-step Hina doll set if they have enough space for it.

I feel very sad as this beautiful heritage of Japan of producing Hina dolls is gradually disappearing due to the declining birthrate and the pandemic…






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Yoko Irisawa Yoko Irisawa

Introduction to Travel in Japan

Finally people are traveling again!
Have you been planing to travel to Japan this year?
Would you like to prepare for your trip to Japan in Halifax with me?
With my Introduction to Travel in Japan, you can immerse yourself with the introduction in basic Japanese greeting words and phrases to communicate with Japanese people. We will also go over Japanese culture and etiquette to make your trip more enjoyable and rewarding.

This course will also include tips and advise regarding travel within Japan.
One of the lessons includes learning dining manners. I will prepare food that you have chosen from the list of seasonal or popular Japanese meals. You will learn dining manners as well as some greeting words in Japanese.

If you are not quite ready to travel to Japan, please join Experience Japan in Halifax!

If you have any questions, please contact me. I look forward to meeting you in our class. Thank you very much!







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